Your 13 week initiation into 


Gates Open in October 2024

Join Laura once a week for this initiation into your Womanhood


"Laura has literally taken 8 years of life experience, healing, suffering and studying and turned it into gold for everyone else to have. Her knowledge and passion is other worldly."

–Anna West



This course includes 13 webinars hosted every Sunday by Laura


The Witch Wound

The Dante Wound

The Dante Wound

What women are saying



Love how Laura speaks so eloquently. Great solid info that all of us can learn from and live excuses. Thank you very much. I highly recommend her. She is one of the best coaches online today in my opinion as she understands the depth of the human psyche.



Laura’s courses offer insightful wisdom and revolutionary mindset shifts that immediately feel right. She delivers all her beautiful wisdom with intelligence, grace, and love! If you’re ready to truly listen and grow then her classes will help guide you out of the dark.



It not only teaches me what I need to do differently but it also teaches my boyfriend what to do differently and how to handle his emotions as well. This is real energy work and I've learnt so much on how to align myself and my boyfriend into our natural selves. Thank you!

The Witch Wound

The Dante Wound

The Dante Wound

The Dante Wound

The Dante Wound

The Dante Wound