Restoring what God Created

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The Virtuous Woman
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Husband Material looks like
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Encouraging men
Softening women
Our men get attacked by removing the important individual that God made for them–the woman.
Since the beginning of time, it's the woman who was offered the lie of a better life. From the serpent encouraging Eve in the Garden to eat the fruit to Feminism telling women that they'll be happier working and paying bills.
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Who is Laura?
Laura is one of the leading speakers in the field of dating, relationships and family. She helps women to understand the impact she has on her husband and teaches women how to be a wife.
She is a Christian Woman and offers encouragment to men and women all around the world as masculinity continues to be erased and unappreciated due to the lack of femininity and womanhood in our communities.
As she see's the world, men are being attacked by removing their women from the home and her ministry works in uniting the two to make them one.